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Why Choose Sweat Guard® Over High Street Antiperspirants?

Ever asked why the cost of one bottle of a high quality, science-led solution like SWEAT GUARD might equate to the same as a couple of high street options from the big corporations who produce many other household brands.  For effective treatment of excessive sweating, it's important to think MORE about the products VALUE and LESS about COST!  The key question to ask - ‘do the high street products provide the best pound-for-pound value’? And meet the same criteria SWEAT GUARD does?  For example, is your average high-street product... Q: Researched, formulated, tested and manufactured by experts interested in sweat science? A: ✖️High street deodorants & antiperspirants ✅SWEAT GUARD antiperspirants  Q: Produced to the highest scientific standards, by leading industry experts with countless years of treating excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis)? A: ✖️High street deodorants & antiperspirants ✅SWEAT GUARD® antiperspirants   Q: Scientifically proven to provide long-lasting protection against even the most extreme types of sweat? A: ✖️High street deodorants & antiperspirants ✅SWEAT GUARD antiperspirants Q: Suitable for application on all areas of the body, including feet and hands? A: ✖️High street deodorants & antiperspirants ✅SWEAT GUARD antiperspirants   Q: Much more than just a bunch of cheap-to-produce, chemical fragrances to mask body odour? A: ✖️High street deodorants & antiperspirants ✅SWEAT GUARD antiperspirants Q: Suitable for all ages and skin types, including childhood, adolescence, menopause and for sensitive skin types?  A: ✖️High street deodorants & antiperspirants ✅SWEAT GUARD antiperspirants   Q: Most effective with a small amount of product per application, meaning that one bottle lasts longer than may be expected? A: ✖️High street deodorants & antiperspirants ✅SWEAT GUARD antiperspirants Q: Formulated, manufactured and shipped from the UK, by a trusted British brand? A: ✖️High street deodorants & antiperspirants ✅SWEAT GUARD antiperspirants Q: Providing you the customer with a 14 day money-back guarantee if you don’t see the results you'd hoped for? A: ✖️High street deodorants & antiperspirants ✅SWEAT GUARD antiperspirants   Q: Supported by a caring, UK-based customer service team who are here for you, and ensure every customer gets the best out of their sweat treatment? A: ✖️High street deodorants & antiperspirants ✅SWEAT GUARD antiperspirants   Q: Effective in stopping excessive sweating due to the clinical strength of the active ingredients and unique formulation? A: ✖️High street deodorants & antiperspirants ✅SWEAT GUARD antiperspirants     For more reasons to trust SWEAT GUARD, explore our effective research led product range!